Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Bloggy Blog

 This April marks one year since the birth of this little blog. . .

. . .and I'm celebrating.

I know in the grand scheme of things,
 it's not really that big of a deal.

But it's a big deal to me.

I was a Creative Writing Major in College.
And after I threw that black cap up into the sky, 

 I entered the corporate world,
and the whole creative writing thing took a backseat.

Nice backseat by the way.

In my first five post-collegiate years
I got so caught up in life outside of college:
in the new world of paying bills, of writing business proposals,
memos, meeting minutes and marketing material. . .

. . .that I forgot to take the time to write for me.

I've always written. 
If not a letter, a poem. If not a poem, a journal entry.
 If not a journal entry, a scribbled thought.

And I missed it.
I missed the human connection and the clarity it provided.

And then it hit me, why not start a blog?

To me, it was about finding what made me tick.

 I wanted to take off my blinders and pay
attention to what was happening around me.
To stop. To capture. To reminisce.
And to let this mind of mine go wild.

To write about things that make me laugh.

I love me a good flow chart.

To try and capture my life experiences,
that, without reflection, could've slipped by unnoticed.
And what a shame that would be. 

Because you know what I found out? 
This blog made me realize more than ever, 
that which moved me to write the most was the people who surround me.


Here's me with my mom and brothers, Sean and Brian. 2004.


The whole Mc Crew + sig others. 2011.

Me and my Mom-in-Law, Toni. 2012.


I've been friends with these girls 10+ years...some even 20+.
Laughlin 2012.


Amber is a serious besty. Dodger game 2012.

Jessica & I. Cambria 2011.

My super sweet husband.

Vegas 2011.

My crazy, cute pups.

Guinness and Raja sunbathing. 2011.


This blog has reminded me that is it important to take a break 
from this busy world and enjoy the little things that life has to offer.

To share the things that make life worth living.
The things that make me smile, and laugh, and well, sometimes cry.
Things that make my internal wheels spin.
Because I find it usually makes someone else's wheels spin too.

I've learned it's priceless to share the things you love.
To spread the word.
Because if you haven't heard:

Many thanks to all of you who have
reached out and offered a pat on the back.

You help keep me inspired.

Little crumbs of encouragement go a long way,
and I eat it right up knowing I am not alone in this.

That somehow, my world is something you can touch and feel.
Because it is through my connection to others
that I find a purpose in going on with this blog-o-mine.

A special thanks to my husband, Travis,
who has put up with me sharing my time with this little blog.
When I get lost in the world of computers, he calls me "Digital Bobby."
I have no idea where he came up with it. But it makes me laugh.

I imagine Digital Bobby might look something like this:

Not to be confused with Bobby Digital:

That's something totally different.

So when I am getting ready to jump into the blogging world,
I tell Travis "Digital Bobby is going to get didgy didge,"
and it is known, I'm going to be gone for a while. 

But I will reel him back in,
because he is my sounding board, 
my proof reader who I've had check, double check,
and sometimes triple check every little change I make.
He understands when I'm obsessing over the little things,
because he knows, it's the little things matter to me.
Thanks sweets. You rock.

And you are also very skilled in the pint stacking department!

And thanks to you, dear readers, it's been really fun.
Cheers to many more posts to come.

(aka Digital Bobby)

Here are some of my favorite posts:

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