Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Settling In

Oh here I am! I've made it! 
(I am currently patting myself on the back.)
I've been thinking about you,
It's just been a little hectic 'round these parts.
Juggling work, baby, having some sort of social life, 
 squeezing in some exercise time, 
AND trying to keep up on blogging is not so easy!
But I shall try harder! 

I've been back to work for two months now,
and I'm actually settling in to the new routine quite nicely.
Fancy that! 

I mean, I miss my days with baby,
don't get me wrong, but it's been 
good to have some adult time
and get back into the groove of things.
AND even get to dress in something 
other than jeans and tank tops for a change. 
Oh yay! 

This is what I wore on my first day back to work. 
Ladies Room Fashion Show!

 I feel good in red shoes & chevrons.
Who doesn't? 

And I've definitely missed the espresso 
machine at work while I was out on leave. 
Generally, I'm not a big coffee drinker.
I don't even have a coffee maker at home!
(What?! Yep, it's true!)
BUT there is nothing like a freshly brewed latte 
 in the early morning hours of a work day. 
The office is still quiet, and I am able 
to leisurely sip away while I catch up on emails.

I am certain that my transition back to work 
has been so easy breezy because of Kieran's care 
while I'm away. It's a great relief that while I am at work,
 my sweet boy is with his Grandma Toni and Grandpa Ty. 

We couldn't have asked for anything better.
Kieran LOVES them so much!

And bonus for me, Grandma sends me 
LOTS of pics and videos of baby when I'm at work. 
So I've been able to enjoy his cute smiles and giggles virtually.

This was them at the park yesterday:

Um, hi cute baby!

Auntie Tami came out to play too!

Baby Kieran is so very blessed to have LOTS  
of family closeby that love him to pieces! 

I admit, fun days like the park day he 
had yesterday make me homesick for my baby, 
but it is so nice that he is spending
some quality time with family.

And it's the best feeling in the world when I see him after work.
He sees me, smiles, bounces up and down 
and gives me the cutest squeals of excitement! 
I think that makes it all worth it. 
He is one happy baby! 
(& that makes me one happy Mama!)

I'm lucky enough to be home on Thursdays and Fridays,
so I am still getting in some awesome baby time. :) 

The way he looks at me never gets old.

And we get to do fun things like
play Cowboys and Indians! 

Bang! Bang! 

All the good stuff aside,
I'm not gonna lie, I'm exhausted! 
The one-two combo of going going going
when I get home from work and then the lack of sleep thereafter,
well, it starting to wear on me a bit.
I'm waking up EARLY in the morning
to get baby and get myself ready for work.
Like 5:30 early.
(Sad face!)

But as exhausted as I am,
I am somehow starting to get used to this not-sleeping-so-much thing.
Pretty soon I'll be a pro at it.
Sleeping is overrated.
(Said no one ever!)

We had the honor of babysitting 
our niece Deklynn last month on a night after work.
It was so fun to have the two babes together.
Look at me double-hippin' it!

It was a blast! 
But we also acknowledged how challenging it was 
to prep dinner and do the normal evening things
with two babies to care for. We laughed at the idea of twins.
Bless the hearts of parents to twins! 
(Twins run on Travis' side of the family. Ahhh!)

And guess what!
Baby got his first tooth yesterday! 

It's official, he is growing entirely too fast!
Already 6 months! 

Anyway, just wanted to check in!
Next up in the blog queue,
Getting Out! 

Happy Tuesday friends!


1 comment:

  1. YAY! You're back :) Glad your transition back to work is going smoothly. It so nice to have your MIL and FIL close and able to babysit. Kieran is a really lucky little guy - he has some many wonderful people in his life. I love the pic of you with double babies! You're looking amazing mama! xo
