Friday, January 2, 2015

2015: A New Year

It looks like a dream,
but this is real life.

This was the first day of the new year, and I was 
lucky enough to spend it with these two adorable guys.

There is something about the new year 
that makes me notoriously silly sentimental.
Maybe it's because my baby is technically 
no longer the baby that he was this time last year.
Maybe it's because each year I fall deeper in love with the man I married...
watching him as a father makes me eternally sappy. 

We started off the year cuddling in bed until 10:15,
which is a rarity these days. 
We snuggled, I breastfed baby, and we made a fort out of our sheets
for baby to crawl into and wave to Daddy's toes. 
We rolled out of bed and went 
for a family run/bike ride along our neighborhood nature trail. 

The dogs were happy to let their legs outstretch, 
and let their tongues hang out the sides of their mouths. 
Travis and Kieran cheered me on as I did a few sprints, 
"GO Mommy GOOOO!"
I couldn't help but smile at the sweetness of such enthusiastic encouragement.
We got back home and made a nice breakfast,
and Kieran fed half of his to the dogs.
(As you can imagine, they REALLY love him.)

We tried to run a few errands, but every place we went was closed. 
Of course they were! It's New Year's! 
You are not supposed to be running errands on New Year's.
Oh yeah!
So we decided to forego the errands (as if we had a choice!)
and we resolved to go some place totally new.

Travis suggested we do a hike in Laguna Beach
and I immediately said, "YES!"
There is nothing more refreshing, eye-opening and romantic (to me) than a hike. 
A hike with my two favorite people in the world? 
And just before sunset? 
Yes, yes!!

We decided to go to the Nix Nature Center off Laguna Canyon Road.
I was in love with not only the surroundings, 
but the Nature Center building was kind of awesome too.

The sun was shining bright...
  it was such a perfect golden glow.
It made every square inch of my being happy.

Seriously, my heart could burst with love.

The air was crisp
and the sage lined trail smelled familiar, yet new. 

We took the stroller, 
but Kieran wanted to be in our arms most of time.
He's been very cuddly lately.
It's been so nice because he just got out of a stage 
where he didn't want to be held much.
Too much to see and do on his own.
These days, he holds out his hands, palms up, 
arms outstretched and says, "Hold you?"

When I pick him up he holds me tight
and nuzzles the back of his head into the crook of my neck.
It's the stuff parent heart-melting is made of.
I think Travis and I both know that this will be a short-lived phase,
so we are holding it (& him) tight.

You can see Daddy (& stroller) too! 

I love the way he is smiling at me here! 

The trail took us on a meandering path along 
Barbara's Lake, the only natural lake in Orange County.
It was lovely.

Along the way, I was trying to find a happy medium
 between capturing the memories in pictures,
and just enjoying the moment.
But you can't pass up moments like these...

Love those faces! 

Before long, the sun was tucking back behind the grainy hills,
and the 5 o'clock Nature Center curfew was upon us.
We made it back to the trailhead, 
packed up the truck with stroller, baby and backpack,
and took the scenic route home.

It was a great start to what, I am sure,
will be a great 2015.

Cheers friends!


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