Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dogs: An Obsession

So I have this obsession. 
It begins with a D, ends in a G and there is an O in between.
(Hint: They are furry.)
These are our pups (front) with their cousins (back). They aren't blood related,
but we won't tell them that until they are old enough to know.

Ever since I was a kid, I've had this magnetic pull toward dogs.
  We would be at the park, the beach, in my front yard, and I would go missing.
With my Mom trying to keep two eyes on her four children,
I was able to elude her. . .
. . . and she would eventually find me making friends with a dog.  

My brother Brian and I with our pup, Sadie. 1988.

It's plain and simple: Dogs make me happy.

See? Happy. Sadie and I. 1988.
Me with our pup, Opie. 1995.

When I was old enough, I took up walking
the neighborhood dogs for twenty-five cents a day.
Believe me, it wasn't the twenty-five cents I was after.

Me and my neighbors dog, Mac. 1993.
And by the looks of it, I took my job very seriously.

When my parents sold their house, it was Travis and I who took in the family dog, Opie.
She was 14 and on her way out.
And a couple years after she passed, there was no question
 that Travis and I would get a pup of our own.
Or two. Or three.  

(Okay, just two.)

  Enter Guinness and Raja, our two very loving, very enthusiastic pups.
(Note: All dogs are puppies to me, FOREVER.)

And I admit, I am one of those people who creepily refer
to themselves as Momma to their dogs.

I know, it's a bit much.

But I'm not as creepy as say Meg Swan from Best in Show.

I mean,
it's not like we take family portraits with our dogs or anything.

Oh, shit.

Okay, well, I assure you we aren't that creepy.

Owning two pups, of the same age, of the same litter,
 has not been all dog bones and family portraits.
We’ve definitely had our challenges. 

Like our backyard, for example, has taken a brutal beating.

 Post blood, sweat and tears.

And then we got dogs. . .

Ouch. Just Ouch.

But thankfully, after much more blood, sweat and tears, it has been restored.

After 4 months, it's still intact. (Pray for us!)

And if that wasn't enough, when they were about a year old, 
they learned they could skillfully jump our 6 foot fences in one leap. 
(Yes, you heard right. SIX. FOOT. FENCES!)
Oh, and go swimming in our neighbors pool while they were at it.
What? They're labs. Don't all labs do that?

There have definitely been times when we thought:

We've had to get creative to say the least.

And plan C. And D. And E.

But I can't help it. I love them all the more for their antics.
Just as I love them for their enthusiasm for their daily runs,

Or the cute cuddle parties we have on our living room floor.

This 85 lb. pup melts in his arms. 
For their subtle sweetness as they wait patiently 
outside the bathroom door while I am getting ready, 
in return for just a few morsels of attention in the morning rush.

How they try to lay all over my mat while I'm doing yoga, 
waiting for the perfect opportunity to lick my face. 

How Raja wraps her body around my feet while I type away on this computer.
Or how Guinness loves to lay out with me in the backyard,
but manages to block my sun every time.
I can never get enough.
I wish I could bring them to work with me. 
Buy one of those "Dog in Training" vests and take them everywhere I go.
To the bank, the post office, the local market.

I am one of those kind of dog owners who
misses their dogs when they go on weekend trips. 
Solution: Pet every dog I see, everywhere I go.  

I started taking pictures with them, because I think it's just hilarious. 
And luckily, my husband and friends are pretty equally into it, so it makes for a fun time.

Exhibit A.
Pure, unabashed joy.

How cute is this pup?  
Seriously, can my smile get any bigger here?

Meet Juliet, the 6 month old basset hound who stole our
hearts with her big floppy ears and proud prance.

I especially like how my hair/sweater
combo compliments this pup's coloring.
What? Too much?

I was way more into him than he was into me. It happens.

So, as you can see, it's a bit of an addiction.
I don't think there is rehab for this kind of addiction. 
And even if there was, as Amy Winehouse would say, I won't go, go, go.

If obsessing over dogs is wrong, I don't want to be right. 

And to that, I will leave you with something that makes me smile:
A picture I took of a dog sticking his head out of a car sunroof.  

He is wearing goggles people!! 
(Which makes me think, he must be a professional.)

I snapped this shot, and laughed to myself all the way home.

These are the little things that make me happy.

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