Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dodger Games and Fortune Cookies

This last month,
Travis and I have enjoyed a couple L.A. nights attending Dodger games. 

It's something we both really enjoy doing.
And you can't beat a game at Summer's end.
Tank tops in the warm night air,
and the sun setting over the Hollywood Hills 
as the game approaches the bottom of the 2nd inning.

There is something so exciting,
so exhilarating, so contagious
about a stadium filled with like-minded fans,
all dressed in Dodger gear and cheering for our home team.

It's impossible not to indulge in the simple things the American tradition offers:
Dodger dogs, the wave,
singing Take Me Out to the Ball Game in the seventh inning stretch,
arms wrapped 'round each other,
and the irresistible sway from side to side.

There is nothing quite like it.

And these last two games were more special
than any game we've attended in the past.

Not because Kershaw was pitching against Bumgardner.
Or because we had amazing seats behind home plate.

But because we knew something no one else knew.

There was something more to it than just Travis and I going to a baseball game.

Because I got a fortune in a cookie a few months back,
and I did something I don't normally do.
I kept it.

Because it was the best damn fortune I've ever received from a cookie.
I mean, I've had "fortunes" that were more like factoids.
For example: "Digital circuits are made from analogue parts."
I'm being totally serious. I received a fortune cookie that said that.
You can't make this stuff up.
As you can imagine, I felt jipped.


But this cookie?
Well, THIS cookie said,
"You will soon have something you've always wanted."
I read it, looked up with a grin
and tucked that tiny piece of paper in my purse pocket.
I knew it was one I wanted to hold onto.

And you know what?
A couple months later that fortune came true!

I do have something I've always wanted.
It's growing inside me right now.
It was growing inside me those nights we cheered on our boys in blue.
It's only the size of a lime now,
but it is getting bigger every day.

It's a baby people!
No, no. Not a food baby.

I apologize if the lime reference threw you off.

It's a real HUMAN baby!

This was our first look at Baby Mandala! (8 weeks)
Hi sweet lil' baby!!

It has a brain, spinal cord, vital organs,
arms, legs, even lil' fingernails, etc., etc., etc. . .

. . . but most importantly, a beating heart.

And Travis and I are over the moon excited about it.
This is me at work the morning we found out.
It was a Tuesday morning.
A Tuesday we will never forget.

Do I look nauseous? Because I am.
But happily nauseous nonetheless.

Since we found out it seems like time is moving lightning fast.
So, so very fast.
And I am trying my very best to slow it down.

To enjoy this moment. These moments.

Because before we know it, life is going to be a whole different ball game.
There will be a learning curve, some foul balls and strike outs for sure.
But more importantly,
there will be arms wrapped 'round each other,
and irresistible sways from side to side.

 And I'm really looking forward to all of it.
Only 28 weeks to go!

In the meantime,
I will enjoy the cute nicknames Travis has coined for me.
My favorite thus far?

Precious Baby Carrier.

I can't help but giggle at such a sweet thing.

Happy day to you readers!


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