Thursday, February 28, 2013

Catch Up Sesh 2013: Part One

I admit,
I've been a bad blogger.
We've been so busy prepping for baby
that days turn into weeks,
then months, and before I know it
 I have about half a dozen posts
just sitting in my queue waiting to be finished.

So I thought it proper to catch us all up to speed on this year's events.
Shall we? We shall.

Part One:

The start of the new year began with a lovely trip up North.
Travis and I decided to take what they call, a "Babymoon."
Definition: A honeymoon of sorts, pre-baby.
You know, one of those vacations where
you look all googly-eyed at each other and can't stop smiling?
Yes, one of those.

I was 27 weeks pregnant,
and it was the perfect time for a getaway.

We went to Travis' uncle's beach house in Cambria,
a fav spot of ours,
 and enjoyed a cozy, quiet weekend together.

It rained at night while we slept in a big comfy bed,
and the sun shone bright in the day
 while we hopped from winery to winery in Paso Robles.

We ate cheese and crackers and Travis drank wine
while we looked out at the gorgeous rolling hills.

And, of course, being prego and all,
I was the ever-reliable DD.

We spent time eating out.

And eating in.

Me mid-snack.
I know you are all really diggin' my maternity fashion here.

We warmed our toes by the fireside,
and watched the sun dip into the ocean's edge many times over.

As I said, it was perfect.
And we were very thankful for that time together,
just the three of us. 

In addition to our Babymoon weekend,
we got a chance to visit with one of my dearest friends,
Jessica, while she was in town from Israel.

It had been 6 months since her last visit,
and even though she was on a very tight schedule,
she made an extra special effort to make time for me,
as it was going to be the first and last chance
for us to hang out while this baby was still in my belly.
And well, she is the kind of friend who wouldn't miss that for anything.

We stayed in a cabin in Paso Robles and Travis and I had
a great time visiting with her family and our friend Naoma.

Jessica's mom, Tracey, and her hubby, Patrick, in their fancy masks.
Hehe. We had fun with these.

Patrick made us delicious breakfasts.
And Tracey made us tasty dinners,
all while cracking jokes and making us laugh in between. 

We played silly games.
(Games that made me laugh so hard I cried).
We took hikes all over the huge, awesome property.

Naoma, Jess and I on a hike.

Travis, Naoma and I.
I really like Naoma's stance here.
I think she was trying to avoid poison ivy,
but she also could have been showing off her killer dance moves.

We also came across this natural wonder:

Lady bugs in the masses! It was so cool.
Apparently, they like to snuggle to keep warm.
And who can blame them? It was freezing outside! 

We met and fell in love with Tracey's new puppy, Duke.


And Duke even volunteered to help us practice
using the Moby baby carrier that Tracey got us.

And we obviously were having wayyy too much fun with it.
I think I held Duke in there for a good hour.
What? He liked it!

Oh, and we ate a lot of my homemade cookies.

Jess was especially excited about this ice cream cookie sandwich. :)
Isn't she the cutest?

We got lots of time to talk and catch up
and be silly and it was so much fun!

I'm REALLY looking forward to Jessica being
 back in the States for good come June.
She'll get to meet our lil' man, and I can't wait for that.

Overall, it was a great start to 2013,
and was well deserved after a jam packed end of 2012
filled with lots of baby/house prep on top
of the holiday hustle and bustle.

It's always nice to take some time to relax,
reconnect, and just be.
And with so much on our plate this coming year,
we were glad to savor it while we could.

Cheers to that!


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