Friday, May 3, 2013

Baby Kieran is Here!

It's been 3 weeks since our baby boy
 made his entrance into this world.
And what an entrance it was!

After a long 52 hours of unmedicated labor
(more on that some other time),
he was born via C-section
on April 10th, 8:02 A.M.
7 lbs, 12 oz. and 21 inches long.
Healthy. Happy. And cute as can be.

This was my first look at my baby boy,
my fingers reaching out to touch him
as his proud Papa presented him to me.

And this was the 1st time I held him:
his warm skin against mine,
his hands clinging to my chest,
and his head tucked perfectly under my chin.

It was surreal.

Because. . .
for as much as I prepared myself for our child's birth,
I never could have been prepared for the moment:
when he is finally there in your arms,
and not only is it hard to even fathom that this sweet
baby was in your belly just moments earlier,
but it is also simultaneously hard to fathom life without him.

Furthermore, nothing could've prepared me for that moment
when I saw Travis holding our child for the first time.

I pretty much melt when I look at these pictures of the two of them.

Travis' smile in this picture makes me so happy.

And even though we were exhausted,
as we had labored for practically three days,
we were excited to have visitors and share
 our little guy with family and friends.


The first night, I held baby Kieran all night long.
And in the dim of the night,
I surveyed his sweet lips,
his soft breath, his eyelids gently pressed closed.
This was a face that I just met, but would never forget.
It was then that it hit me: I'm a MOM.
This is OUR baby.
And I smiled so big.

Here's our little family leaving the hospital three days later.
Can you tell we are excited? 
We couldn't wait to get our sweet baby home.

Even Baby Kieran looks happy about it!
And Kieran's 1st car ride was well documented.
Of course.
Kieran on the way home from the hospital.
Is it just me or is he just adorable?!
(The Dodger Bear goes with him everywhere &
was a sweet gift from Aunt Leah and Uncle Jason.)

Since we've been home, life has consisted of lots of new things,
like diaper changes, breast feeding,
& trying to figure out how to do most things one-handed.
So far so good.

And baby is even sleeping like a pro.
We've been able to get a good 10 hours of sleep
most nights, and baby is sleeping in 4 hour blocks.
(Stoked!! Thanks baby!)

We've had lots of fun snuggling,

going on family walks with baby & the pups,

reading bedtime stories to baby,
(Gah! No pic!)

giving baby a bath,

Shark baby!

scheduling playdates with his baby cousin
(baby Deklynn, born 3/20/13),

Travis holding Deklynn and my sis-in-law, Trisha, holding Kieran.

Kieran is already sticking his tongue out at girls.

taking baby out on a pretty afternoon,

I think he needs a matching brimmed hat!

going for car rides 'round town,

& even getting some things done around the house with Mama!

Thank goodness for baby carriers!

It's hard to believe how fast these three weeks
have flown by, but you know what they say,
time flies when your having fun!

Oh and in other news,
I got to enjoy my 1st glass of wine in over 9 months!


We've really been enjoying our little bundle
these past three weeks & I'm not looking
forward to Travis going back to work next week.
But I'm off work until August, & well,
someones gotta make some money around here! ;-)

In the meantime, we're taking advantage of all the extra Papa time!

Special thanks to all the family and friends
who have shared so much love, support and
enthusiasm for such an awesome time in our lives.
We love you guys!

From our lil' family to yours,
cheers friends!


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