Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Mother's of the Wolfpack

This past year, there was a bit of a baby boom within my circle of family & friends.
Not only was I pregnant alongside my soon-to-be SIL, Trisha...

... but I was also pregnant alongside a handful of my closest girlfriends. 
Friends I've known since Kindergarten, who were also expecting their first child:


... JoAnna...

... & Jessica! 

We've had some great times over these last 25 some odd years.

Like when we went swimming at Gramma Red's house 
and wore an exuberant amount of pink zinc on our cheeks.

 Or when we played soccer against each 
other in the LBYSO championship cup. 
But still hugged afterwards.

Or our 8th grade graduation. 
(Yikes! Awkward years!)

And then later we started to look less awkward and more ourselves.
Thank God! 

Visiting Jess in SF 2011.

JoAnna's 30th birthday! 

These girls, along with a few more of our long time buds, are my steadfast friends.
We have grown up together. Become women together. 
And now, have become mother's together.

It was almost as though we planned these syncrinized pregnancies. 
Surprisingly, we didn't. 

But I am so thankful because it has been such an amazing blessing 
to have had the chance to share this experience with them. 

As you can see, we enjoyed the novelty of it.

Here's Ali, JoAnna and my baby belly progression. 

Since Jessica lives up North,
she didn't get to partake in the belly-to-baby group pics,
but here's her being all cute and pregnant.

And if it wasn't crazy enough that we were all pregnant at the same time,
it sure got crazy when we found out we were ALLLLLL having BOYS! 

And so it has been pre-determined that our boys will be friends For-Ev-Ver

They are, in a sense, brothers banded by their mothers. 
And we have affectionately dubbed them The Wolfpack. :)

Note: We will make them wear matching shirts like this. 
(Shirt cred: Tiny Whales)

Kieran is so lucky to have new baby friends by the masses,
and I am so lucky to have mommy friends that I can call 
and be like, "Uhhh, is your baby doing this?"

Here's the baby run down:

 Ali's baby, Eliot, was born in July &
he is almost 7 months old
and as cute as can be! 

His facial expressions are the best! 

Look at that smile!

 JoAnna had her baby boy, Jack, mid- August.
[Note: Look how amazing she looked after childbirth!]

Like, for real? 

I was really excited for Kieran and Jack to meet.
Can you tell?

Jack was less into it.

Jessica's baby, Miles, was born in early November,
a bit earlier than expected, but healthy and smiley as can be. 
The sentiment "Smiles for Miles" really rings true for this little guy.

We can't wait for Jessica and Miles to visit
so we can add him to the squirmy baby mix!

Look at how Eliot and Jack are holding hands while 
Kieran shows them his break dance moves! :) 

We had a Wolfpack meeting last month in Seal Beach
and it was a delight to see the munchkins together.

Look at those tough kids! 
I love it! 

JoAnna and I are sooo excited that Jack and Kieran 
have already been taking a swim class together! 

Now that all of our boys are born,
there is one thing that consistently stands out to me: 

Being a mother is an infinitely beautiful thing. 

Me and Baby K at bathtime. :) 

While my friends were always beautiful women, 
they have a new beauty now.
A different beauty. 

It's a beauty that stems from confidence, 
from determination and undoubted strength...
...but most importantly, it stems from love.

A love deeper than any of us knew we could ever possess.

Jess & Miles.

I truly believe that our children have shaped us.
Even in just the little time we have known them. 
Even for as tiny as they are. 
Because not only did we birth the most precious gift, 
our sweet baby boys,
but we also received the realization of a strength 
within us we never would've known without them.

And that in itself, is beautiful indeed.

I'm excited for the many awesome times these babies will have together.
Trips to the zoo, the park, the aquarium, the beach. 
Play dates, mommy and me movies (haha!)
& eventually sports, lip syncs, and double dates! (Yikes!)

But as excited as I am for all of our boys to bond and grow together,
I am equally excited that we will grow with them, together as their mother's.

Mother's of the Wolfpack unite! 


Also want to say a quick congratulations 
to my extended group of friends who also 
brought  their first little bundles into this world.
You are also very special to me sweet friends! 

Let's see. There was Gynni & baby Harrison...

... Ana & baby Landau, born Jan 29th!

. . . Gaelyn and Oliver...

. . . Natalie & Isabella... 

... & my cousin Jessy and baby Josephine!

You are all beautiful! 

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