Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Half Way There!

I can't believe I am saying this, but . . .

In fact, we're more than half way there.
I'm 21 weeks...19 more to go! 

To say I'm amazed at how fast it's
flying by is an understatement.
It seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant
and I took my first prego pic in my bathroom mirror.

5 weeks.

Every day since, I've been waiting.
Waiting for some trace of looking pregnant.
I kept thinking,
NEXT week I'm going to be huge!

13 weeks. 14 weeks. 15 weeks. 16. 17.
Each went by without a trace of me looking pregnant.
Like I ate one to many cookies? Yes.
Pregnant? No.
[Note: I may or may not have eaten too many cookies.]


I mean, believe me,
when I was in my skivvies I looked pregnant.
But to the outside world,
no one knew unless I told them.

So I have been really eager to start "looking pregnant."
To feel comfortable rubbing my pregnant belly
and not look like I'm just rubbing out a big lunch.

Ha! Food baby!

So finally, at a happy 19 weeks,
I started to show a bump.

19 weeks.

Who knew having a round belly was such a coveted prize?!

I even started to wear a few of my maternity clothes!
Although I am still able to fit into most of my regular clothes 
(minus my high waisted skinny jeans),
it's been kinda fun to find new ways to dress 'the bump.'

For work:

18 weeks.                               19 weeks.
Please excuse my crappy photography.

For special occassions:
Here's me being all pregnant-like for Thanksgiving. 
Travis cut off my cute shoes in this pic. :(

See cute shoes below:


For cas:

21 weeks.

I love me some stripes.
Don't believe me?
See exhibit A:

Post-maternity shopping spree stripe addiction realization.

So far I've gained 5 lbs., and baby is now 13 oz.
 And per the baby books, our lil' guy is the size of a carrot.
Aww, hi lil' carrot baby!
[Note: I think it is hilarious that the baby's size is always referred to
 as some type of vegetable or fruit. Last week he was a banana. Ha!]

And the most exciting recent development?
I can feel baby boy moving!
(In fact, he is kicking my insides right now!)

I started feeling "flutters" at 18 weeks.
Specifically, election day.

Maybe he's politically inclined?

It was so subtle, but I knew it was him.
And I was sooo excited.

As the days passed, his movements became
stronger and more consistent. 
And exactly one week later, 
at 19 weeks,
Travis got to feel him kick for the first time!
It was such a fun moment.

Now, three weeks into feeling our lil' guy moving around,
I'm starting to notice a pattern.
He wakes up when I wake up, likes to move around after I eat,
and also really likes it when Travis and I talk to each other.
Awww cute!

Now I find myself with my hand on my belly throughout the day,
just waiting for our lil' guy to say hello.
It makes me extremely happy and a smile always ensues.
And I love love LOVE when Travis puts his hands 
on my belly looking for his lil' guy.

Seriously, my heart could burst. 

Baby bump and baby kicks,
it just makes it all the more real. 
This baby is coming!

And with the holiday season upon us. . .

. . . we find ourselves in the midst of baby room prep,
registries, birthing classes, hospital tours,
doula interviews, baby names and, and, and...

Well, you get the idea.
There is lots to do! 
And I keep telling myself not to freak out over all of it.
It'll all work out.
We have a good 19 weeks left,
and we're so thankful that so far,
baby boy has been so good to his Mama.
I'll be sure to thank him with lots of kisses come April!
I can't wait!!!

Happy Hump Day friends! 


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